Helping You Alchemize Your Pain Into

Radical Gratitude

Use life’s greatest difficulties and
challenges to alchemize them to joy,
gratitude, and to discover a life of
purpose, by altering your perception.


At 31 years of age, I was diagnosed with brain cancer. In other (uncommon words), I was blessed with a brain tumor.
The diagnosis served as initiation into living an uncommon life, full of radical gratitude when I could have chosen a
different path, to then being of service to those seeking healing, transformation and awakening.

The gratitude prescription is a lovely book focusing on the
mind-body connection. Written by a brain tumor survivor,
this book is a reminder that although pain, trauma and loss
touch us all, there is a gift we can give ourselves
throughout it all. That is the gift of gratitude. Gratitude
cultivates resilience and positivity in the midst of
turbulence and grief. “

– Amazon Review

“Although the title of the book suggests that his brain
tumor was the awakening moment, what impresses me so
much about Will is the person that he BECAME in order to
be someone who could see his brain tumor as a gift.”

– Amazon Review

As Featured In

” Will Pye, a transformational coach, speaker, and author, takes the side of a friendly universe, having experienced it himself. In 2011, Pye was diagnosed with a potentially terminal brain tumor. The diagnosis came as a wake-up call for him, as well as an opportunity for profound growth. “

– Daniel Lee

SAND – Science and Nonduality

Will has spoken at over 10 Science and Nonduality Conferences in the US, Holland and in Italy

As Mentioned In

” Some people, more than a few, go beyond that to call their disease a cherished gift. Blessed with a Brain Tumor is the title of a book by a young man I interviewed, Will Pye. “This was a gift from spirit, for my soul to facilitate healing transformation and awakening,” he told me. “

– Gabor Maté

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